

4 Easy Ways to Manage Cholesterol at Home

4 Easy Ways to Manage Cholesterol at Home 4 Easy Ways to Manage Cholesterol at Home

An important function of Cholesterol is to create flexibility in the cells and produce different hormones throughout the body. However, just like anything else, having too much cholesterol can be very harmful for the body and it can immediately start to damage the organs. 

Here are some great ways that you can start reducing excessive cholesterol in the comfort of their own home:

1. Soluble fiber
Eating soluble fiber is also a great way to help balance out cholesterol levels in the body. Consuming soluble fiber is a great way to get rid of any bacteria that live in the intestines. Research shows that soluble fiber can help decrease the cholesterol, and that it can be even more effective than taking medication for lowering cholesterol in many cases.

2. Incorporating omega-3 fatty acids
Omega- 3s are definitely a great way to help combat excess of cholesterol in the body. In fact, several research studies conclude that omega 3 fatty acids help balance out the saturated fat in the body, which affect the heart and contribute to stroke. Omega 3 fatty acids are found in fatty fish (i.e., salmon, trout, mackerel, etc.). If you’re not a fan, fish oil supplements will also do the trick.

3. Water
Staying hydrated is also a great way to help lower bad LDL cholesterol. Staying active and drinking water is the perfect way to better overall heart health. Usually, the most common signs of cholesterol include feeling dizzy, having headaches, feeling out of breath and these are all closely associated with experiencing any type of stroke. Exercising increases heart rate and helps the heart pump blood to the rest of the body more efficiently. 

4. Consult with your doctor
If you suffer from excessive cholesterol levels, it’s also imperative before adopting any of the above mentioned natural tips, to consult with your doctor. Adopting a healthier diet and exercising regularly are essential for better heart health, but check with your doctor to ensure none of these actions are negatively impacting your health, or reacting negatively to doctor-prescribed medications you may be taking.