

3 Home Remedies to Prevent Fleas

3 Home Remedies to Prevent Fleas 3 Home Remedies to Prevent Fleas

Pet owners all over the world at one point or another have had to deal with their furry friends having a flea problem.There are numerous treatments such as traditional flea powders, flea baths and anti-flea medication to name a few, an alternative route would be to use home remedies:

1. Flea deterring plants
There is a garden variety (pun intended!) of plants that are natural flea repellents such as Lavender, Chamomile, Mint and Wormwood. These plants not only have incredible fragrances, but are non toxic so any of these are a safe choice to bring around any pet. These plants are reiterated to be a deterrent as they do not kill fleas but will most certainly keep them away! As a bonus they also repel moths and mosquitoes, keeping extra pests at bay.

2. Dish soap
A classic home remedy is drawing a DIY flea bath but instead of using pet shampoo, dish soap is applied instead. The solution from the dish soap while non toxic to pets, destroys the exoskeletons of fleas and drowns them in the suds. Dish soap can also be used as a trap of sorts, containers can be placed in various rooms where fleas can be trapped as they jump, making them easy to discard.

3. Homemade flea spray
Many pet owners also have children and as a result are wary about potentially harmful flea powder or any chemical based solution and opt for making their own flea spray that is not only organic but also safe around children and pets due to its non toxic ingredients. A more known formula is mixing witch hazel, water, lemon juice and vinegar which decimates fleas almost instantly. This is also relatively inexpensive so even the pet owner on a budget can combat a potential infestation.

These are only a few of the many other flea remedies that are accessible and affordable. Maintaining a high-level of health care, especially pertaining to a potential flea infestation is essential for the long-term well-being of any pet. Routine check ups at the veterinarian and consistent post-treatment monitoring is important in order to ensure that the fleas do not return.